Friday, May 14, 2010

The Post Office Visit

I had to go to the local post office this morning. (I am not sure, but I think I singlehandedly keep the postal service in business.) I was in line behind several people who required extraordinary help with their several packages. It was as if they had never mailed anything before. Patiently the clerk was helping them address and tape up their boxes. We all waited. Then there was the explanation of the 45 different ways to send these things, how many days it will take, and so on. This guy had a box that was going to cost over $100 to ship! I think I would just fly with it and take a vacation, it might be cheaper. And I didn't mention to this person that if they were sending it to AZ they were totally out of luck. I was down that road before. I was told an express envelope I sent took a whole month to arrive because allot of old people live there. I never knew you had to check the demographics of a location before you shipped anything. And I wondered if they were hauling truckloads of mail to the various nursing homes for sorting. The mind reels. That's the trouble with being organized. You expect the same standard from others. Someday we will talk about the people at the fabric stores who have to lay out their fabric while getting it cut, just to make sure that the requirements on the back of the envelope are correct, or the ones who buy 25 cuts of fleece. What does a normal person do with 50 yards of fleece?

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