Monday, June 27, 2011

Chapter 2--Perky Hair

Before I delve into the topic of the day I would like to know if you know anyone who has driven by a toilet sitting by the side of the road and said, "Shazam! I could use a new toilet." and picked it up. I see them periodically and just wonder.

But back to our South Carolina encounter. I saw allot of people down there with perky hair and could not, for the life of me, figure out how they accomplished this feat. I felt like I was scuba diving most of the time, the air was so humid. I think my hair kind of hung in strings the whole time we were there, refusing to cooperate at all. But I saw some ladies with the perky thing going on. Must you use hairspray and gel by the bucket load, rendering your head a lethal weapon, or do you have to be born there to develop Southern Hair? I need help.

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